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DCC Executive Session Minutes 2004-07-14

July 14, 2004
County Administration Building

At a regular meeting of the Dukes County Commission, Commissioner Leonard Jason made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Paul Strauss, to go into executive session to discuss several legal matters, and not to return to open session. The unanimous roll-call vote in favor was as follows: Jason, yes; Strauss, yes; Robert Sawyer, yes; Leslie H. Leland, yes; Roger W. Wey, yes; Nelson W. Smith, yes.

The executive session was called to order at 8:05 p.m. by Vice Chairman Sawyer. Chairman John Alley was absent. A quorum was present with Mr. Sawyer and the following Commissioners in attendance: Jason, Leland, Smith, Strauss, and Wey. Also present were County Manager E. Winn Davis, County Treasurer Noreen Mavro Flanders, and Executive Assistant Brian S. Kinal, who took these minutes.

Commissioners discussed receipt of correspondence in the Marsha Smolev lawsuit; receipt of a settlement check in the mutual release and settlement agreement between PECO/Horizon and the County of Dukes County et al.; and a motion hearing in the Weibrecht/Flynn case.

Mr. Jason made a motion, seconded by Mr. Strauss, to adjourn. The unanimous roll-call vote in favor was as follows: Jason, yes; Strauss, yes; Sawyer, yes; Leland, yes; Wey, yes; Smith, yes. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Brian S. Kinal

JOSEPH E. SOLLITTO JR., Clerk of the Courts